As the main common building of the monastery, the Refectory Building serves a number of important functions in the various rooms it contains.
The Refectory is the dining hall where the monks gather each day for their meals as stated in the Carmelite Rule “you are to eat in a common refectory whatever may have been given to you, listening together to some reading from Sacred Scripture.“ Silence is always kept in the Refectory as the counterpart to the monastery Church. For whereas in the Refectory the monks nourish their bodies with earthly food, so in the Church their souls are nourished with the Bread of Angels.
Recreation Room
Monks keep silence for the majority of the day, and only speak freely during the hour of recreation. By means of recreation the monks strive to encourage each other with lighthearted joy to help better fulfill the divine mission of saving souls.
Workrooms and Offices
The Refectory Building also contains a number of workrooms, offices, the laundry room, kitchen and food storage, and many other rooms necessary for the sustainment of the monastery.